The apollo-max is a product of, 16 + years experience and design combined in the newest terminal; designd, developed and produced by Payter. It’s slick design is a omage to the core value of Payter, to make contacles payments easy and a everyday ocurence. Its revolutionairy small footprint is only made posible by new developments in the tech industry, what makes it posible to shrink the product down to a bare minimun and thus beeing the smalles most secure terminal produced by Payter.
The apollo-max is the smallest terminal to date produced by Payter BV. It is his smal footptint that makes the apollo-max unique, including contactes, dip and magstripe payment options while providing top of the line quality, security and vandil proofing in a smal package.
The Apollo-Max is designed so that it can be mounted on three different ways, making it one of the most versitile terminals produced by Payter. The included mounting plate makes it posible to build the terminal into a machine, from inside or outside the machine, all hardeware needed for this is included with the terminal. A third option that is made posible by apollo-max’s smal form factor is to mount the terminal straight to a desired machine .
what’s in the box
When prchusing the ApolloMax a few accesories are included besides the Apollo. The set includes a mounting frame and screws package, an antenna with 1.5 m cable for wireles capability, a power plug and front and back rubber gaskets to waterproof the terminals conection to your machine.